Your business has grown and you find yourself in need of an upgrade. In an effort to look for the best value for your money, you scour everywhere for the best deal and find yourself swamped with quotes about labeling machines. But now what? How will you determine which labeling machine suits your business the most and what Label Machine Price should you consider? What parameters will you look into to find that perfect fit?
Labeling Machine Price
Label machine prices vary depending on a number of factors. You consider what containers you choose to use for your products and what kind of materials your labels will be made out of for said containers. Even the shape of the containers you choose will have an impact on which labeling machine you’ll need to purchase.
Another aspect is the versatility of the labeling machine. Among all of those quotes about label applicator machines, which one has shown you the most versatility? Which machines can be used for multiple products? Are you in need of a machine that can apply the labels to all of your products or do you just need a machine that can do one job extremely well? One more thing is the number of labels you’ll need to be applied per week. And of course, as your business is growing, you’ll need to consider a machine that can grow with you—one that is able to keep up with the demands of your growing clientele and help boost production speed all the more when you find you need it.
Add to all of these considerations the budget you have. You will find in the quotes that you have, that competitive pricing currently abounds in the market. All the more does this impact the problem of which machine to buy.
But you need not worry! Here are a few tips to help ease the stress of which of the quotes about labeling machines you’ll need to abide by.
Labeling Machine Quotations

Before spending on a capital piece of equipment like a label applicator, due diligence will usually require you to obtain a number of quotations to compare; this is especially the case if you have not used label applicators before.
You want the best value piece of equipment that fits your budget to apply labels. This article seeks to assist you in logically prioritizing the quotes you have received and to help point out the key targets that must be satisfied.
1.0 Bottom Line – The Label Applicator Price
Here it is important to understand that the price and the cost of a machine are very different.
A very cheap label machine price can cost far more than a medium-priced machine if that machine causes significant line downtime with slow and difficult set-up procedures or unreliable mechanics and electronics that break down and need replacing. Imagine your line down for a day or a week with your staff still needing to be paid and your clients being let down with supply, not to mention your lost profits on your product.
A medium-priced labeling machine can cost more than an expensive machine if spare parts pricing is prohibitive or if machine service and backup is difficult because that machine does not have well thought out design features to facilitate fast over the phone fault-finding or onsite swap out and replacement of parts.
2.0 Who really listened to you?
Looking at your gathered Label Machine Price, there will be some quotations that stand out because the people providing you with your quotation appear to have really “listened” to what you want rather than supplying a machine they want to supply you with template quotations. Quotations from people who listened are a good sign that you will be listened to in the future with after-sales service and advice.
3.0 Were you dealing with a pawn or the king of the organization?
Many machine salespeople have little to no technical or management background so they will find it difficult to properly understand your requirements on these fronts. It is often far better to be dealing with someone senior in a small to the medium-sized company who can assist in all facets of the machine supply from machine proposals to machine maintenance and operational advice. These key company people value long-term client satisfaction and feedback far more than say a sales executive/manager in a large organization.
4.0 Labeling Machine Service
A supplier boasting a big service team can indicate great after-sales service but it can also indicate there is another self-funding business operating within that company. Spare parts are often a quick and easy way for machine suppliers to make fast money supplying parts you would find hard to source and charging out relatively low-paid employees at top dollar rates. There is little incentive in such an organization to solve your problems over the phone as they have a team that needs to charge out their time and needs to sell parts to make the budget. A supplier of well-designed labeling machines like the LabelOn™ modular should be able to advise that well over 95% of machine problems can be sorted out over the phone and possibly with the courier of parts.
Labeling Machines that rely on service technicians to be available for a visit to sort out a problem can indicate machinery is not that well designed for intuitive fault finding and repair, machine records are not available for the client or a high maintenance budget is inevitable.